
Archive for March 1, 2011

All About Emily

March 1, 2011 Leave a comment

On last night’s 90210, Annie got Emily to show her true colors, and sent her packing for the Ozarks. While the rest of the episode had its ups (Adrianna exacting revenge on Silver!) and downs (Dixon rapping with Snoop Dogg), I couldn’t help feeling satisfied watching Emily’s face as she realized she had fallen right into Annie and Liam’s trap. For someone so devious, Emily was a little too trusting of Liam, but, since it served a purpose, I guess I’ll let it slide. All in all, I thought it was a fitting end to the whole Emily plotline. While I liked the storyline, most of it at least, I’m kind of happy to see her go.  Emily was getting a little too settled into Beverly Hills, and Annie was starting to look way too pathetic. Plus, like this, we can look forward to some fresh storylines when 90210 returns with all new episodes in April!

I couldn’t very well write about this episode of 90210 without acknowledging the movie it pays homage to, one of my personal favorites, All About Eve. Frankly, I’ll use any excuse to talk about this movie, which I consider one of the great American classics. In it, the original Eve, played by Anne Baxter, insinuates herself into the life of aging stage actress Margo Channing, played with just the right mix of snark and pathos by the sublime Bette Davis, who steals practically every scene she’s in. I could write an entire blog post about why Bette Davis should have won an Oscar for her portrayal of Margo, but I’ll save that for another day. While you wait, here’s a clip of the one-and-only Margo Channing at her best.

Categories: Film, Television

Here goes nothing…

March 1, 2011 Leave a comment

Welcome to PoP1010, my new blog dedicated to all things entertainment and pop culture! That’s about as specific as I’d like to get for the time being, considering that I’ve never blogged before, and have no idea how this is going to go. That said, I couldn’t be more excited to find out! I’ve wanted to start blogging for a while now, but could never settle on what to write about. This way, I don’t have to, and can write about whatever I want! Without getting into too much detail, here are some things you can definitely expect to see on PoP1010: movie and television reviews, industry news, and celebrity gossip. While this blog will primarily focus on entertainment and pop culture, I also hope to write about other topics that interest me. What might these be, you ask? Stick around and find out!

Categories: Uncategorized