
Archive for March 28, 2011

Battle Royale

March 28, 2011 Leave a comment

Feast your eyes on the just released poster for the final installment of the Harry Potter series, which I swiped from Entertainment Weekly’s website.  Featuring a bloodied Harry locked in battle with Lord Voldemort, the image perfectly sets the stage for the epic battle that dominates Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.  Before seeing the poster, I had been a little worried that the film would tone down on the violence in order to attract a younger audience.  But, if the poster is any indication of what we can expect come July 15, then I think it’s pretty safe to say that director David Yates isn’t holding anything back.  Man, this movie can’t come soon enough!

O Canada

March 28, 2011 Leave a comment

I wasn’t able to watch the Juno Awards last night, but I did happen to catch the opening of the ceremony, which featured a clip of host Drake on Skype with Justin Bieber, who’s currently on tour in Europe.  The two musicians talk Degrassi, Tim Hortons, and Sarah McLachlan, and essentially bask in their Canadianness. This morning, when I went looking for the clip on YouTube, I stumbled upon another skit from the awards show, featuring the rapper trying to start up a new record label called Old Money.  Yes, it’s exactly what you think it is.

P.S. Sorry about the poor audio quality of the Bieber clip!