
Archive for July, 2011

Mom’s the Word

July 17, 2011 Leave a comment

It looks like Rachel Berry has some unresolved mommy issues.

According to TVLine, Tony Award-winning actress Idina Menzel is in final talks to reprise her role as Shelby Corcoran, Rachel’s biological mother, next season on Glee. Word is the Broadway vet has been tapped for a 10 to 12 episode arc. 

Last we saw of Shelby, she had stepped down as coach of Vocal Adrenaline and adopted Quinn and Puck’s newborn baby daughter, Beth. Her sudden and unexpected return is likely to cause quite a stir at McKinley High, especially for Rachel, Mr. Schuester, and Quinn.

If I’m being honest, I have mixed feelings about this piece of casting news. Don’t get me wrong, I love Idina Menzel, but I never quite warmed up to her Glee character. I understood why Shelby was looking for a fresh start, but I just didn’t get why she didn’t want/couldn’t have a relationship with Rachel. And yet, to quote Parks and Recreation’s Chris Traeger, I could listen to this woman sing, literally, all day long. Even after a year, I still can’t get enough of her duet of Lady GaGa’s Poker Face with Lea Michele. That said, here’s hoping we get a satisfying resolution, not to mention some great music, out of this deal.

Allow me to turn the question over to you, Gleeks. Are you excited for Menzel’s return, if only to watch her belt out a good tune?

Accio Moolah!

July 16, 2011 Leave a comment

Harry Potter had better dust off his Firebolt, because the sky’s the limit for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II this weekend. 

After shattering the record set by The Twilight Saga: Eclipse for grosses from midnight showings (43.5 million to 30 million), the final installment of the teen wizard epic saga summoned nearly an additional 50 million from showings on Friday for an estimated record first-day gross of 92.1 million, according to Box Office Mojo.  (The previous record-holder was The Twilight Saga: New Moon with 72.7 million.)  To put that figure into perspective, Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone netted only 90 million dollars… in its opening weekend!  Last November’s Deathly Hallows: Part I, meanwhile, grossed nearly 62 million on its opening day, en route to a weekend take of approximately 125 million. While Deathly Hallows: Part II will undoubtedly be a little front-loaded, I would wager my ticket to tonight’s sold-out screening that the flick will overtake The Dark Knight’s record opening weekend cume of 158.4 million.  The real question is by how much?

For those of you who’ve already seen Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows: Part II, what were your first impressions?  On a side note, what did you make of the teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises?