
Archive for the ‘Celebrity Gossip’ Category

Anne Getting Married

November 28, 2011 1 comment

Just like Princess Mia, Anne Hathaway is finally getting her happy ending.

Hollywood darling Hathaway and her beau of three years, Adam Shulman, are making it official. After the actress was spotted rocking an engagement ring out in Brooklyn over the weekend, the happy couple has announced that they are planning on tying the knot. Hathaway met Shulman shortly after her relationship with Italian businessman Raffaello Follieri ended amid controversy. (If you recall, Follieri was convicted on fraud charges in 2008, and he was sentenced to four and a half years in prison.) By Hollywood standards, Hathaway has kept her relationship with Shulman, an actor and jewelry designer, relatively quiet.

Is there anyone alive who’s not happy for Hathaway? (I dare that person to come forward!) The actress, who stole our hearts in such films as The Princess Diaries and The Devil Wears Prada, is well-liked by her peers, and adored by her fans. I personally was thrilled to hear the news, and I couldn’t be happier for the pair. Congratulations, Anne!

Kill Ball

March 11, 2011 Leave a comment

Life is imitating art for writer, director, and producer Alan Ball.  According to The Hollywood Reporter, Ball, the creator of the acclaimed HBO dramas Six Feet Under and True Blood, and the screenwriter for American Beauty, is dealing with some drama of his own.  Ball is being sued by his neighbor, none other than eccentric filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, over, get this, the “blood-curdling screams” coming from his collection of macaw parrots.  Apparently, the noise is so unbearable that Tarantino is unable to concentrate on his work. 

I couldn’t help laughing to myself when I stumbled on this story.  Honestly though, if it weren’t so funny, I would probably be writing about how absurd the whole thing is.  Then again, when have the private lives of celebrities ever not been a little absurd?