
Archive for the ‘Film’ Category

Rebel Wilson Books MTV Movie Awards Host Gig

December 21, 2012 Leave a comment


Call her a Rebel with a mike.

Keeping up with the tradition of landing big-name comedians, MTV has tapped perennial scene-stealer Rebel Wilson to host the 2013 MTV Movie Awards.

The 28-year-old Aussie native can add this latest credit to her ever-expanding resume. Since breaking out in Bridesmaids, Wilson has brought on the funny in this year’s Pitch Perfect, Bachelorette, and What to Expect When You’re Expecting. 

Next, she’ll appear alongside Chris Colfer in Struck by Lightening, the Glee star’s writing and directorial debut, which premiered earlier this year at the Tribeca Film Festival.

Don’t miss the MTV Movie Awards on April 14, 2013!

You can watch a promo for the awards show below, which features a surprise cameo by Rebel’s on-screen Bridesmaids brother, Matt Lucas!

New ‘Oz’ Poster Features the Wicked Witch of the West

December 19, 2012 Leave a comment


Which old witch is the Wicked Witch?

The new poster for Oz: The Great and Powerful finally puts the spotlight square on the Wicked Witch of the West, but we’re still left wondering which character in the much-anticipated Wizard of Oz prequel is destined to become Dorothy’s green-skinned nemesis.

Most people are pointing the finger at Rachel Weisz’s sultry Evanora, but I’m betting on the more mild-mannered Theodora, played by Mila Kunis. Wouldn’t that be a great twist? (On a side note, I think we can all agree that Michelle Williams’ Glinda is a good witch.)

In the Sam Raimi-directed film, circus magician Oscar Diggs (James Franco) is whisked away in a hot air balloon to land of Oz. There, he meets the sister witches, gets tangled up in a mission to destroy the Wicked Witch, and ultimately becomes the Wizard of Oz.

Oz: The Great and Powerful will be released in theaters on March 8, 2013.

Who do you think is the Wicked Witch of the West?

‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ Teaser Surfaces

December 6, 2012 Leave a comment


And just like that, the upcoming Star Trek sequel has a poster and a teaser trailer. It’s a good week to be a Trekkie, that’s for sure!

In anticipation of next summer’s surefire blockbuster, studio bigwigs have released what they’re calling an “announcement trailer” for Star Trek Into Darkness. Without giving too much anything away, the action-filled spot offers up a first glimpse of Benedict Cumbercatch — a revelation on BBC’s Sherlock – as the as-yet unindentified villain hellbent on destroying Earth. By the looks of it, however, it’s more than likely that rumors of Cumberbatch playing fan favorite Khan are true. “I have returned to have my vengeance,” he says.

The J.J. Abrams-helmed sci-fi flick will reunite Enterprise crew members Captain Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto), Uhura (Zoe Saldana), “Bones” McCoy (Karl Urban), Chekhov (Anon Yelchin), Sulu (John Cho), and “Scotty” (Simon Pegg).

Star Trek Into Darkness will be released in theaters on May 17, 2013.

Are your engines revving up for Star Trek Into Darkness?

How to Succeed in Showbusiness

December 8, 2011 1 comment

What a way to ring in the New Year!

Daniel Radcliffe has been given the esteemed honor of topping Entertainment Weekly’s list of Entertainers of the Year. (The 22-year-old beat out such competition as Adele, Ryan Gosling, and Viola Davis.) In addition to starring in a little film you might have heard of by the name of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, the British import is coming off a successful run in the Broadway revival of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. For his role as wily young go-getter J. Pierrepont Finch, Radcliffe has earned rave reviews from critics and audiences alike, and deservedly so. (Darren Criss will take over the role for a brief run in January, after which Nick Jonas will settle into the show starting January 24.)

On a recent trip to New York City, I was lucky enough to score tickets to How to Succeed, and I was blown away. In what can only be called a tour de force performance, Radcliffe sings and dances (and tricks) his way up the corporate ladder. What the 5’5” Radcliffe lacks in height, he more than makes up for in showmanship and flair! By the end of the show, he has gone from boy wizard to bona fide star. How he wasn’t nominated for a Tony Award is beyond me, but I’m pleased that Radcliffe is finally receiving the recognition he so rightfully deserves. Congratulations, Dan!

Does Radcliffe earn your approval as Entertainer of the Year? Who else would you nominate for Entertainer of the Year?

Mind Your Ps and Q

November 28, 2011 1 comment

The cat’s out of the bag.

Following weeks of speculation about who’s who in Skyfall, Daniel Craig’s third outing as dapper superspy James Bond, we’re finally getting some answers. We now know for sure that up-and-coming British actor Ben Whishaw, perhaps best known to American audiences for his lead role in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, has been cast as none other than the gadget guru himself, Q. The iconic character has been absent from the franchise for nearly a decade, ever since the blond-haired, blue-eyed Craig slipped into Bond’s signature tuxedo for Casino Royale.

Whishaw has large shoes to fill – the ones once occupied by Welsh actor Desmond Llewelyn, who portrayed the role for nearly forty years. (After his sudden passing, John Cleese briefly took over the role in Die Another Day.) Llewelyn equipped five James Bonds (Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and Pierce Brosnan) with such memorable gadgets as the Aston Martin DB5 with ejector seat in Goldfinger, the underwater Lotus Esprit in The Spy Who Loved Me, and the high-tech Q Boat in The World is Not Enough. Llewelyn’s Q was more than just a colleague, he was also an important ally, mentor, and friend of 007.

Whishaw is twelve years younger than Craig, and just a wee bit younger than Llewelyn, so we can safely assume that their relationship will be a lot different. However, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Too much tinkering with the formula is never a good idea, but I’m really digging the idea of Whishaw’s Q as a sidekick to Craig’s 007. Besides, Dame Judi Dench’s M has assumed the role of Bond’s mentor in recent flicks. Word is the head of MI6 will take a front seat in Skyfall, which will delve into secrets from her past. 

Are you excited to finally meet Q? Are you pleased with the decision to cast the much younger Whishaw in the role? Who would you have liked to play Q?

Warp Speed Ahead

November 25, 2011 Leave a comment

I know for a fact where Sheldon Cooper will be when the clock strikes 12 on May 17, 2013. He’ll be at his local movie theater, with just about every other fanboy, catching a midnight screening of the yet-untitled Star Trek sequel.

You read that right, Trekkies! It was bound to happen eventually, but Paramount has finally announced a release date for the much-anticipated sequel to their reboot of the Star Trek movie franchise. For those of you who don’t know, J.J. Abrams has officially signed on to direct the film with a script written by Damon Lindelof, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. (Orci and Kurtzman are the screenwriting duo who penned the original Star Trek, and Lindelof is one of the co-creators of Lost.) Details about the plot are being kept under wraps, but rumor has it Abrams is courting Benicio Del Toro to play the film’s villain. It has also been confirmed that the next installment in the series will be filmed in 3D.

It’ll be a while before the Starship Enterprise lifts off again, but I’m looking forward to that moment nonetheless. One thing’s for sure, Abrams has set the bar awfully high. One of the summer’s breakout films in 2009, Star Trek was well received by critics and audiences alike, grossing $385 million worldwide. No surprise there. The sci-fi flick had great casting (Zachary Quinto as Spock – enough said), a worthy story, and stellar special effects. Another of the film’s strengths is its tone, which speaks volumes about Abrams’ talent as a filmmaker. Star Trek is modern, yet classic, and nostalgic, yet not corny.

Are you a fan of J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek reboot? Are you excited for Star Trek 2? Who would you like to see as the villain?

Beauty is Power

November 11, 2011 Leave a comment

Julia Roberts, take note. Charlize Theron can teach you a thing or two about being evil.

In this first teaser for Snow White and the Huntsman, one of two adaptations of the beloved fairy tale due out next summer, Charlize Theron’s Evil Queen isn’t messing around. She’s beautiful, she’s merciless, and she wants Snow White’s heart for breakfast, literally. Speaking of the fair-skinned beauty, Kristen Stewart looks like she can more than handle herself as the titular heroine, wielding a sword and shield, and donning a coat of armor. Chris Hemsworth, meanwhile, is in his natural element as the rugged huntsman, who leads Snow in a revolt against the Evil Queen.

I am honest-to-goodness excited about this movie. While I’ve by no means jumped on the remake bandwagon, I couldn’t help but get on board with this film. For one thing, the casting is absolute perfection, right down to the last dwarf. Director Rupert Sanders has tapped the likes of Ian McShane, Bob Hoskins, Ray Winstone, and Toby Jones to play Snow’s vertically-challenged allies. I also like that the writers are taking some creative liberty with the story, and I’m looking forward to seeing their interpretation of this classic story. By the look of the trailer, audiences can expect a dark fantasy with plenty of action and suspense.

As I alluded to earlier, director Tarsem Singh is busy working on his own Snow White adaption, recently titled Mirror Mirror. The film stars Lily Collins as Snow White, Armie Hammer as Prince Charming, and Julia Roberts as the Evil Queen. I’ve yet to see any footage of this movie, but, from the promotional images I’ve seen, Mirror Mirror looks a little tame in comparison to Snow White and the Huntsman.

Which Snow White adaptation are you more excited about?

Accio Moolah!

July 16, 2011 Leave a comment

Harry Potter had better dust off his Firebolt, because the sky’s the limit for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II this weekend. 

After shattering the record set by The Twilight Saga: Eclipse for grosses from midnight showings (43.5 million to 30 million), the final installment of the teen wizard epic saga summoned nearly an additional 50 million from showings on Friday for an estimated record first-day gross of 92.1 million, according to Box Office Mojo.  (The previous record-holder was The Twilight Saga: New Moon with 72.7 million.)  To put that figure into perspective, Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone netted only 90 million dollars… in its opening weekend!  Last November’s Deathly Hallows: Part I, meanwhile, grossed nearly 62 million on its opening day, en route to a weekend take of approximately 125 million. While Deathly Hallows: Part II will undoubtedly be a little front-loaded, I would wager my ticket to tonight’s sold-out screening that the flick will overtake The Dark Knight’s record opening weekend cume of 158.4 million.  The real question is by how much?

For those of you who’ve already seen Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows: Part II, what were your first impressions?  On a side note, what did you make of the teaser trailer for The Dark Knight Rises?

Chemicals React

May 19, 2011 Leave a comment

Last Tuesday, I went with Adam to see Hanna, the action thriller starring up-and-comer Saoirse Ronan as a 16-year-old natural born killer, and I mean that literally.  Raised in the wilderness by her father, Hanna has been been given all the tools necessary to survive, which come in handy when she’s forced to go head-to-head against Cate Blanchett’s stone-cold, obsessive-compulsive intelligence agent.

Beautifully shot and well-acted, Hanna is a lot of fun, if a little predictable. What I really want to discuss in this post, however, is the film’s soundtrack, which is as integral to the film as the plot, setting, or characters.  Taking a cue from Trent Reznor and Daft Punk, who scored the soundtracks for The Social Network and Tron: Legacy, respectively, director Joe Wright enlisted British electronica duo The Chemical Brothers to score the film.  The result?  An impeccably crafted, cohesive soundtrack that perfectly captures the essence of every scene, whether it be a fleeting moment of calm or a tense stand-off.  You can preview the soundtrack on iTunes, but I would highly suggest seeing Hanna in theaters to get the full effect.

One Fine Day

May 3, 2011 Leave a comment

With exams finally behind me, I’m thrilled to be back to blogging full force!  I’ve got some exciting things planned for the blog, so keep checking back for updates!

Today, I’m happy to share with you the first official trailer for One Day, the big screen adaption of David Nicholls’ bestselling novel, courtesy of Yahoo! Movies.  Starring Anne Hathaway and Across the Universe’s Jim Sturgess, the film follows Emma and Dexter, who, after a one-night stand, spend the next 20 years drifting in and out of each other’s lives. The movie checks in on the pair every year on the anniversary of the day they met.

Based on the premise, and by the look of the trailer, I’m guessing this movie will be the next The Notebook.  Not only did An Education’s Lone Scherfig direct the film, but Nicholls himself penned the script.  In addition, Hathaway and Sturgess seem to have great chemistry.

One Day will be released in theaters on August 19.