
Posts Tagged ‘Charlie Sheen’

Farewell, Charlie Harper

March 8, 2011 Leave a comment

It looks like Charlie Sheen is going to be spending a lot more time at the “Sober Valley Lodge” from now on.  In a move that couldn’t have come any sooner, Warner Bros. Television announced today that TV’s highest paid actor has been let go from Two and a Half Men.  (I guess he won’t be making $3 million an episode after all…)  In a formal letter to Sheen’s lawyer, Warner Bros. cites the actor’s “condition, statements and escalating destructive behavior” as reasons for halting production on the hit sitcom late last month, and “moral turpitude” as the cause of his dismissal.  Warner Bros. does not intend to pay Sheen for any of the canceled episodes.  Sheen, meanwhile, intends on suing both Warner Bros. and Chuck Lorre, the show’s creator.  Word is still out on whether or not Two and a Half Men will return to CBS in the fall. 

I, for one, say good riddance.  Given his erratic behavior over the last week, the guy is clearly in need of some serious help.  Statistics show I’m not alone.  According to Entertainment Weekly, a recent poll found that only 16% of adults in the United States have a favorable opinion of the star.  Clearly, the public has already grown tired of Sheen’s antics. I guess The Charlie Sheen Show just isn’t as funny as Two and a Half Men.