
Posts Tagged ‘Comedy Night Done Right’

Knope Problem

March 17, 2011 Leave a comment

While everyone can agree that Parks and Recreation is having a moment, fans of the delightfully entertaining sitcom have been left wondering whether the suits at NBC would do right by it come renewal time.  Well, that time has finally arrived, and it was well worth the wait!  Earlier today, TVLine announced that Parks and Recreation, The Office, and Community had all been picked up by the Peacock for the 2011-2012 season.  I, for one, couldn’t be happier.  Parks has only gotten better since I started watching it early last season, and has really settled into a nice groove.  The lighthearted comedy manages to incorporate just the right mix of the verbal and the physical, and does a great job showcasing its stars.  In addition, the cast has amazing chemistry.  This season, I’m really digging the Leslie/Ben friendship, the April/Andy romance, and the Ben/Tom bromance.  Speaking of the current season, do you agree that tonight’s new episode was awesomesauce?