
Posts Tagged ‘Democrat’

Election Day In America

November 6, 2012 Leave a comment

After what seems like an eternity of endless campaigning, election day has finally arrived. Admittedly, I’ve never been all that into politics, but it’s hard not getting caught up in the excitement of the day. It was hardly 8:30 in the morning, and already my classmates were lining up at the polls to cast their vote. No matter that they had to wait outside in the bitter cold, some for over an hour. Nothing was going to stop them from having their voice heard.

As a Canadian studying medicine in the United States, I realize that the outcome of this election will have a huge impact on my future, probably in more ways than I can even imagine. So, with that said, I urge all my American friends, Democrats and Republicans, to go out and vote!

For up-to-the-minute election coverage, check out my good friend — and political junkie — Jamie’s blog. He’ll be live tweeting the results tonight!

Have you voted yet?