
Posts Tagged ‘Kristen Stewart’

Beauty is Power

November 11, 2011 Leave a comment

Julia Roberts, take note. Charlize Theron can teach you a thing or two about being evil.

In this first teaser for Snow White and the Huntsman, one of two adaptations of the beloved fairy tale due out next summer, Charlize Theron’s Evil Queen isn’t messing around. She’s beautiful, she’s merciless, and she wants Snow White’s heart for breakfast, literally. Speaking of the fair-skinned beauty, Kristen Stewart looks like she can more than handle herself as the titular heroine, wielding a sword and shield, and donning a coat of armor. Chris Hemsworth, meanwhile, is in his natural element as the rugged huntsman, who leads Snow in a revolt against the Evil Queen.

I am honest-to-goodness excited about this movie. While I’ve by no means jumped on the remake bandwagon, I couldn’t help but get on board with this film. For one thing, the casting is absolute perfection, right down to the last dwarf. Director Rupert Sanders has tapped the likes of Ian McShane, Bob Hoskins, Ray Winstone, and Toby Jones to play Snow’s vertically-challenged allies. I also like that the writers are taking some creative liberty with the story, and I’m looking forward to seeing their interpretation of this classic story. By the look of the trailer, audiences can expect a dark fantasy with plenty of action and suspense.

As I alluded to earlier, director Tarsem Singh is busy working on his own Snow White adaption, recently titled Mirror Mirror. The film stars Lily Collins as Snow White, Armie Hammer as Prince Charming, and Julia Roberts as the Evil Queen. I’ve yet to see any footage of this movie, but, from the promotional images I’ve seen, Mirror Mirror looks a little tame in comparison to Snow White and the Huntsman.

Which Snow White adaptation are you more excited about?