
Posts Tagged ‘Lucy Liu’

Elementary Lands Post-Super Bowl Slot (Oh, And I’m Back!)

November 5, 2012 1 comment

CBS is getting a clue.

The network has given Elementary a giant vote of confidence by choosing to air a special episode of the freshman drama right after the Super Bowl. Typically, shows leading out of the Super Bowl enjoy a huge ratings boost. Last year, the second season of NBC’s The Voice premiered to 37 million viewers following the Giants’ win over the Patriots. Not bad for a show that was averaging about 12 million viewers in its first season!

Despite being one of the more hyped new shows this season, Elementary — a reimagining of Sherlock Holmes in 21st century New York City — has only been a modest ratings success. I’m really enjoying the series so far, so here’s hoping the coveted post-Super Bowl timeslot will get more people to tune in!

Are you happy with the Eye’s decision?