
Posts Tagged ‘Monster Ball’

Beyond the Edge

May 10, 2011 Leave a comment


With only two weeks to go before she releases Born This Way, the hardest-working woman in show business released a new single this afternoon called The Edge of Glory.  When I finally got the chance to listen to it tonight, my initial reaction was, “She’s done it again.”  Called “a massive power ballad with heavy club beats” by Rolling Stone, The Edge of Glory is very different from Born This Way and Judas, but in a good way.  The track has an unmistakable ’80s influence, a distinctive saxophone solo, and a soaring chorus.

While we’re on the subject of Lady GaGa, did anyone happen to catch her Monster Ball concert special that aired on HBO this weekend?  (Funny story: I was at my grandparents yesterday for Mother’s Day, and found out that my 77-year-old grandmother saw it and loved it.  We went on to discuss GaGa’s awesomeness at length.)  If I’m being honest, I was a little disappointed by the special.  Before you judge me, you should know that I’ve seen the Monster Ball twice, and both times had the time of my life.  That said, I was expecting more of a behind-the-scenes look at the tour.  GaGa put on a tremendous show for her Little Monsters, but I thought the special could have been a little more revealing.  What did you think of Lady GaGa’s Monster Ball: Live at Madison Square Garden?