
Posts Tagged ‘Oz: The Great and Powerful’

New ‘Oz’ Poster Features the Wicked Witch of the West

December 19, 2012 Leave a comment


Which old witch is the Wicked Witch?

The new poster for Oz: The Great and Powerful finally puts the spotlight square on the Wicked Witch of the West, but we’re still left wondering which character in the much-anticipated Wizard of Oz prequel is destined to become Dorothy’s green-skinned nemesis.

Most people are pointing the finger at Rachel Weisz’s sultry Evanora, but I’m betting on the more mild-mannered Theodora, played by Mila Kunis. Wouldn’t that be a great twist? (On a side note, I think we can all agree that Michelle Williams’ Glinda is a good witch.)

In the Sam Raimi-directed film, circus magician Oscar Diggs (James Franco) is whisked away in a hot air balloon to land of Oz. There, he meets the sister witches, gets tangled up in a mission to destroy the Wicked Witch, and ultimately becomes the Wizard of Oz.

Oz: The Great and Powerful will be released in theaters on March 8, 2013.

Who do you think is the Wicked Witch of the West?