
Posts Tagged ‘Saoirse Ronan’

Chemicals React

May 19, 2011 Leave a comment

Last Tuesday, I went with Adam to see Hanna, the action thriller starring up-and-comer Saoirse Ronan as a 16-year-old natural born killer, and I mean that literally.  Raised in the wilderness by her father, Hanna has been been given all the tools necessary to survive, which come in handy when she’s forced to go head-to-head against Cate Blanchett’s stone-cold, obsessive-compulsive intelligence agent.

Beautifully shot and well-acted, Hanna is a lot of fun, if a little predictable. What I really want to discuss in this post, however, is the film’s soundtrack, which is as integral to the film as the plot, setting, or characters.  Taking a cue from Trent Reznor and Daft Punk, who scored the soundtracks for The Social Network and Tron: Legacy, respectively, director Joe Wright enlisted British electronica duo The Chemical Brothers to score the film.  The result?  An impeccably crafted, cohesive soundtrack that perfectly captures the essence of every scene, whether it be a fleeting moment of calm or a tense stand-off.  You can preview the soundtrack on iTunes, but I would highly suggest seeing Hanna in theaters to get the full effect.