
Posts Tagged ‘Skyfall’

Adele Goes Diamond

November 29, 2012 Leave a comment


Adele is setting fire to the record books.

Less than two years after her sophomore set took hold of the Billboard 200 chart, 21 has achieved Diamond status in the United States, selling over ten million copies. In the era of digital music, this is no small feat. What’s more, only seven other artists have reached this milestone faster than the British chanteuse.

On my first day writing this blog, 21 topped the charts for the very first time, and my ears couldn’t get enough of a little song called Rolling in the Deep. Ninety-two weeks later, I’m chronicling Adele’s latest achievement — and belting Skyfall at the top of my lungs.

Mind Your Ps and Q

November 28, 2011 1 comment

The cat’s out of the bag.

Following weeks of speculation about who’s who in Skyfall, Daniel Craig’s third outing as dapper superspy James Bond, we’re finally getting some answers. We now know for sure that up-and-coming British actor Ben Whishaw, perhaps best known to American audiences for his lead role in Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, has been cast as none other than the gadget guru himself, Q. The iconic character has been absent from the franchise for nearly a decade, ever since the blond-haired, blue-eyed Craig slipped into Bond’s signature tuxedo for Casino Royale.

Whishaw has large shoes to fill – the ones once occupied by Welsh actor Desmond Llewelyn, who portrayed the role for nearly forty years. (After his sudden passing, John Cleese briefly took over the role in Die Another Day.) Llewelyn equipped five James Bonds (Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and Pierce Brosnan) with such memorable gadgets as the Aston Martin DB5 with ejector seat in Goldfinger, the underwater Lotus Esprit in The Spy Who Loved Me, and the high-tech Q Boat in The World is Not Enough. Llewelyn’s Q was more than just a colleague, he was also an important ally, mentor, and friend of 007.

Whishaw is twelve years younger than Craig, and just a wee bit younger than Llewelyn, so we can safely assume that their relationship will be a lot different. However, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Too much tinkering with the formula is never a good idea, but I’m really digging the idea of Whishaw’s Q as a sidekick to Craig’s 007. Besides, Dame Judi Dench’s M has assumed the role of Bond’s mentor in recent flicks. Word is the head of MI6 will take a front seat in Skyfall, which will delve into secrets from her past. 

Are you excited to finally meet Q? Are you pleased with the decision to cast the much younger Whishaw in the role? Who would you have liked to play Q?