
Posts Tagged ‘Yvette Nicole Brown’

Do I Know You?

December 8, 2011 3 comments

“You and I have a great [connection]!” exclaims Phoebe.

“It’s not the best!” counters Ross.

This classic exchange is from one of my all-time favorite episodes of Friends, in which Ross is shocked to learn that the huge dude (read: 14-year-old girl) who mugged him when he was little was actually Phoebe.

Just last week, another NBC Thursday-night sitcom featured a similar storyline with equally hilarious and heartwarming results. On the most recent episode of Community, easily one of the best of the season, Jeff is horrified when he realizes that Shirley (or, should I say, Big Cheddar) humiliated him at foosball as a kid. If that weren’t enough, she made him pee his pants, earning him the nickname Tinkletown. By episode’s end, Jeff and Shirley face off, make up, and take down some Germans. In the process, their portrayers, Joel McHale and Yvette Nicole Brown, deliver Emmy-worthy performances.

The Jeff/Shirley-centric episode also featured a better-than-average subplot about Annie trying to cover up her part in breaking Abed’s limited edition Dark Knight Blu-ray. When Annie’s heinous crime prompts the long-overdue return of Abed as Batman, hilarity ensues.

For one reason or another, Community, one of the freshest, boldest, and funniest comedies on TV right now, has been struggling in the ratings department. Despite having a fiercely loyal (and vocal!) fanbase, the sitcom is facing cancellation. Last month, the suits at NBC decided to pull Community from its midseason schedule in order to make room for 30 Rock. The show will remain sidelined for an undisclosed time. Tonight is your last chance to tune in to the series before Greendale closes its doors. Community’s Christmas-themed episode, the final episode before the forced hiatus, airs tonight at 8 p.m. on NBC. Seriously, though, you should all be watching this show. Besides, what kind of monster wouldn’t root for these guys?