
Posts Tagged ‘Zack Snyder’

Breaking News: Amy Adams Will Fly With Superman

March 27, 2011 Leave a comment

Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot is really starting to come together.  A week after Kevin Costner was cast as Jonathan Kent, The Hollywood Reporter today announced that Amy Adams has been tapped to play Lois Lane opposite Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel.  As you may know, Adams was recently up for an Academy Award for her supporting role as Mark Wahlberg’s love interest in The Fighter.  The redhead wouldn’t necessarily have been my first choice for the iconic role, but the more I think it over, the better I feel about the decision.  Adams has tackled many different roles in her career, and I believe that she has just what it takes to fill the shoes of the Daily Planet reporter.  Superman: Man of Steel will be released in theaters next December.